Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Simple Gratitude can create MAGIC

For those who have read the book, the magic from the secret series, the thoughts that am going to share may be known. But for those who have not, here is a reason why you must grab a copy for yourself, its always better late than never!
I have been struggling with an uneasy feeling for the last six months, I kept trying to question myself what could be wrong, is it my work, my travel, my health or what could that be? I knew I could not find the answer ..Until one morning, while at the airport enroute to blr, I was browsing for a quick read to keep me company i discovered the magic that turned my life in no less than a week's time. Thanks Rhonda, your work is brilliant! I can now confidently say I dont feel that discomfort anymore. it's gone! ... I tried connecting the dots to solve this, it was simple. To simply put it, my problem did not lie in one area but all the possible areas cause I had not given the time to say Thank you for all that I had which seemed to be keeping me still happy. But I did not realise the value of it until the magic happened. I chalked down all the problem areas and uttered the magic words, thank you to each one of those problem areas and zoom, vanished all my problems. Now I believe in the fact that "there is no such thing as problems, its only we who create it for ourselves." So how did I go about doing it? For eg: When I returned to Chennai, I was completely ill, I read this book and attempted to say, so what I am sick, I am so glad I have the facility to visit a doctor and get my treatments in place, how many of them out there dont even have this, so I learnt to say Thank you! problem area 1 check! So it's simple, when you begin to think that you are blessed in many ways your so called problems will seem trivial, learn to say thank you for all that has been given to you then you know you dont have any more reasons to worry but only to be happy. So apply the magic thoughts wherever you go, remember the more gratitude you show, the more you get in return. So here's the magic that made me say good-byes to many problems. See if this magic works for you...

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