Tuesday, 18 August 2015

The ART of Saying NO

Blogs are usually associated with one's feelings, emotions and experiences. Is that the norm of the day? NO! and that's why I get inspired to write something different. The human tendency is leniency. The more lenient you are, the more you are your own defeat. Be it at work or at home! Practice to say NO. You may wonder, is it wrong in accepting things that you can do when somebody tells you to. Yes or No is the answer. If you ask me, don't accept it without giving it a thought.

Accept tasks only that's aligned to you, over and above that no one is going to reward you cause you are not doing justice by overloading yourself. Instead, take a task at a time, master that and then move to another. This way, you know and learns things from scratch. If not, you are only attempting something which will never get accomplished as you are not ready for it.

On an impluse you may accept it thinking you are capable of much more, but the fact is only when you get down to do it, you realise, a simple NO at the beginning could have fetched you a bountiful of positive results. It's good to think high of your abilities not when it gets beyond what is achievable by you. There's noone other than you who is going to either get appreciated or affected by this simple and easy tip, the art of saying NO.

Now, question is when and for what to say NO. For eg: If someone asks you to climb a mountain when you hurt your feet, you know the expectation is ridiculous, would you do it? Ok! perhaps this is exaggerated. But at work or at home, when you are assigned a mammoth task beyond your potential to do it, just say NO.
Be diplomatic but don't be a fool. Those who are yet to attempt, it's never too late, those who have, you are there soon!

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