Friday, 25 September 2015

Confidence Factor - The Importance of it!

Is confidence a big ingredient for success, yes definitely! It’s as important as “Salt to taste” in any recipe. This is not something that can be taught, seen or adopted overnight. This has to come from within. Why are some good at it and why are some not? But it is not difficult to gain confidence. How does it work? Maybe these thoughts will help. It is just plain thinking.

I find myself go back to cocoon in most areas while I super excel in some. The reason is lack of confidence in areas where I don’t know the subject well; the term is “Fear of Rejection”. But the more number of times you attempt at saying what you think “makes more sense” or speak confidently; soon the Fear of Rejection will turn to Acceptance firstly in your mind and later to actually letting it out.

It’s only when we suppress our confidence in most areas where we think, we are good but only for the fact what if “I get rejected” comes to your mind, we feel disappointed.  Confidence need not only be related to our career, it can be in every avenue of our lives. It’s only the fear of what others will think of you if you say something wrong, that prevents you from saying what you want. To me, confidence is plainly putting what you think is right and how you think you can achieve a task boldly. First step is to trust yourself and nobody in this trip to become successful. If you are confident about yourself, this will come automatically. It is like a muscle, the more you use it, the more it gets stronger. The more number of times you actually face hard criticism is when you learn it better. So it’s okay even if you have to face hard times initially, these learning’s will only help you promote yourself better. Face it, if you know it; don’t hesitate to speak out as you know you have it in you! If we fail one or two times, it is okay, we should be glad we made a beginning somewhere.  Confidence leads to happiness and these are two things which can make or break things!

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